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The current Eclipse ADC3 is known for poor reliability and ever escalating replacement costs. Until now, there hasn't been an option to the current probe/ADC3 combination. The existing probe's non-standard communication protocols made it impossible to install an alternative system. What was once thought impossible is now possible. The team at RAS has developed a PMA Protocol Converter that allows a readily available, and highly reliable, Shadin ADC 2000 to replace the old Aerosonic ADC3, and save thousands while upgrading!


The upgrade works much like purchasing a repaired probe from the current vendor.


With the current repair, the probe is inspected and tested for proper heating. If the probe passes, a new ADC, or "e-box" is affixed to the probe. The repaired probe sells for around $36,000.00 and has a 90 day warranty.


With the RAS upgrade, we inspect and test the probe just like the current vendor does, but rather than attaching yet another unreliable ADC, RAS installs a custom designed manifold that allows the static and impact air to be ported to a commercial ADC. The data is transmitted from the new Shadin ADC2000 to the aircraft through the RAS Protocol Converter. This system results in an installation that is completely transparent to the flight crew. No AFM changes, no training changes.


The entire installation can be fully installed and tested in less than 8 hours and no changes to the aircraft wiring are made. 

An undamaged probe with functioning heat is required for the upgrade. Contact RAS for details.


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